International Relations Office

Welcome to the International Relations Office of Saint Paul Institute.

The Saint Paul Institute (SPI) is the only Catholic education institution in Cambodia. It was founded in 2009 by H.E. Bishop Olivier Schmitthaeusler, Apostolic Vicar of Phnom Penh, founder and current Chancellor of SPI.

Since 2009, SPI has awarded more than 300 scholarships and full-fee-paying students annually, assisting thousands of graduates in their academic endeavors. Over 90% of students who get scholarships are not Catholic. They were from various Cambodian provinces and religions. SPI’s offering of specialized degrees in subjects such as agronomy, information technology, tourism management, English literature, and social work that make SPI stands out among other universities in Cambodia. 

SPI is continually growing and welcomes cooperation on a national and worldwide scale. In order to further development in the realm of academia, we collaborate with national and other international institutions and organizations rather than working alone. SPI holds full membership in the Association of Southeast and East Asian Catholic Colleges and Universities (ASEACCU), which has awarded full membership to 87 Catholic universities, making it the only education institution in Cambodia with this status. Additionally, SPI holds full membership in the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU), an organization that unites 240 Catholic universities globally. 

We have great relationships with several institutions and organizations in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Australia and thanks to ASEACCU and dynamic networking. We are grateful for the partnerships we have been forming both domestically and internationally with these institutes, universities, and organizations.  Some of SPI’s students were able to continue their studies in other countries for Master’s and doctoral degrees, as well as participate in other exchange programs and receive additional training, thanks to this positive partnership. In fact, our students were able to gain invaluable experience during that time abroad for a variety of reasons. Not only were they able to learn about cultures other than their own, which helped them gain a better understanding and appreciation of the history and culture of their host country, but they also encountered a different educational approach, formed friendships with students and other locals, and had the opportunity to improve their communication, flexibility, and international experience skills. 

Based on our past experiences and ongoing initiatives, I aware that Saint Paul Institute’s International Relations Affairs program helps faculty, staff, and students find the right academic path and supports their continued research, all of which are essential to improving academic and educational opportunities. And I have no doubt that your cooperation and support will contribute to Saint Paul Institute’s (SPI) sustainable growth. 

Thank you very much for your collaboration.

Welcome to Saint Paul Institute (SPI).


Director – Responsible for International Relations